




〔2023科技创新月〕Aluminum, Carbon, and Recycling - 2023

时间:2023-05-05 来源: 作者: 摄影: 编辑:杨筱奕 上传:

报告人:Robert E. Sanders





报告人简介:Robert Sanders is an industry consultant, with more than 40 years of experience in metallurgy and applications of aluminum alloys and products. Rob received his PhD in Metallurgy from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1978 where he studied fatigue and fracture behavior of high strength aluminum alloys. He worked at theAlcoa Technical Centerin aluminum alloy research and development, technology transfer from R&D to manufacturing, and education and training from 1978 until 2011. His experience includes aluminum can sheet, aerospace and automotive products, armor plate, foil, continuous casting, and extrusions. From 2005-2010 Rob was theTechnology Director for Alcoa Asia-Pacific in Beijing, where he hired and trained a 10 person technical team to support Alcoa’s business in China. Since 2010, Rob has been a visiting Professor atChongqing University in China. He supervises several students in various aspects of microstructure and mechanical behavior of aluminum alloys and teaches a general class in aluminum metallurgy. He has also consulted for various industrial clients in the USA, Korea, and China.

Since 2012, Rob has served as aSenior Technical Advisor for the Novelis Global Technology team, based in Kennesaw, GA. He is currently writing a book (co-authored with Graeme Marshall) entitledAluminum: Technology, Industry and Applications, to be published by the American Society for Metals in 2023.

报告摘要:Aluminum production and usage helps provide food, shelter, health, transportation, and entertainment to the world. Achieving these goals in a “sustainable” manner dictates that our materials“will impact positively on society’s current needs and have no negative effects on future generations to enjoy the same benefits.”What is the position of aluminum in today’s global economy as we deal with pressures from a growing population and a climate emergency?

Life cycle analyses (LCA) of materials and products rate aluminum’s sustainability positively from an accounting of the energy and usage costs through the product lifetime. But the reliance of the industry on an energy-intensive production process, powered by fossil fuels, is not viewed favorably by some outside observers.

The talk will review the current production and carbon emissions footprint for primary aluminum and the role of recycling in the industry. The analysis will take into account the sources of energy (renewable or fossil fuel) in different parts of the world. As the largest producer of primary aluminum in the world, China has a unique challenge and opportunity to strengthen its use of recycled metal in the fabrication of wrought products.

·What is the current state of aluminum primary production and its relationship to carbon?

·What options are likely in the future for new aluminum production technology?

·As for aluminum cans, how do different countries compare in closing the recycling loop?

