




An integrated process of electrocatalytic reactor with nano-MnO2 loading carbon membrane electrode and nanofiltration for the high efficient removal of Arsenic from aquatic solution

时间:2019-12-19 来源: 作者: 摄影: 编辑:cqt 上传:





李建新,男,湖北武汉市人,南非斯坦陵布什大学博士、天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师。天津市特聘教授、分离膜与膜过程省部共建国家重点实验室学术带头人、天津市分离膜科学与技术国际联合研究中心负责人、教育部科研创新团队负责人、天津市131创新团队负责人。国家百千万人才工程国家级人选(国家有突出贡献中青年专家)、中国科学院百人计划、中国纺织学术带头人。国际刊物Journal of Water Sustainability 编辑(EDITOR)、Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination国际编委、《膜科学与技术》编委。Vice-Chairman of IWA China Task Force on Membrane Technology (国际水协会膜技术专家委员会中国分会副主席)。主讲《膜科学与技术》、《材料制备工艺与设计》、《材料科学导论》等。长期从事面向水资源化、清洁能源及清洁生产、生物质等高效利用与转化中所涉及的绿色催化、膜分离科学基础及应用研究和相关的本科生和研究生教学工作。


Arsenic is a common, naturally occurring drinking water contaminant. Therein, inorganic arsenite (As (III)) with a higher toxicity than inorganic arsenate (As (V)) is hard to be removed by nanofiltration (NF). We proposed an integrated process of electrocatalytic membrane reactor and NF for the high efficiency removal of Arsenic. In particular, MnO2 nanowires were loaded on porous flat-sheet carbon membrane with pore size of 0.7 μm by the hydrothermal method to prepare a MnO2 NW/CM electrode, which was employed to constitute an electrocatalytic membrane reactor (ECMR) for the oxidation of NaAsO2 (As (III)) to NaH2AsO4•7H2O (As (V)). The concentration of NaAsO2 aqueous solution used was 10 mg/L. 15 g/L Na2SO4 was used as electrolytes. Results showed that the conversion rate of As (III) to As (V) was up to 96.0% under the ECMR operating with the pH value of 9.0, and current density of 0.4 mA cm−2 and residence time of 10 min. Interestingly, a commercial NF membrane was employed to filter the resultant permeate with 2 mg/L As (III) from ECMR. The arsenic rejection of NF was up to 99.5%. The concentration of Arsenic in the final result permeate was 9.5 µg/L, which is lower than World Health Organization (WHO) Guideline value for drinking water of 10 µg/L of Arsenic. In summary, our study provides a simple and efficient approach to remove Arsenic from the aquatic solution.

