





时间:2019-06-11 来源: 作者: 摄影: 编辑: 上传:

主讲人:龙明策 教授

时间:2019年6月13日 上午11:00

地点: 材料化学工程国家重点实验室大楼四楼中庭报告厅


龙明策,男,工学博士,上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院研究员,博士生导师。1999年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系,2007年获上海交通大学环境工程博士学位,2006和2013年分别在德国埃尔兰根-纽伦堡大学和美国莱斯大学访学。主要研究方向为有机污染控制的光催化与化学氧化技术。作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金、农业部行业科研专项、重点研发专项、上海市科委项目等10余项,在ACS Nano、Appl Catal B、Environ Sci Technol等刊物共发表SCI论文76篇,被引3537次,H因子27,授权专利16项。目前任Nano-Micro Letters编委和Chinese Journal of Catalysis青年编委。 


Lead chromate pigments are included in a group of the most widely used pigments, which account for 3% of worldwide lead consumption. This study reports the photoactivity of commercial lead chromate pigment (i.e., chrome yellow) under simulated sunlight. It underwent photodissolution in the presence of organic acid and dissolved organic matter in the aqueous phase, releasing Pb(II) and Cr(III). Pb(II) was released more readily than Cr(III) which mainly formed hydroxides and oxides. The photodissolution can be activated by light with a wavelength <514 nm. the reaction is mediated by the reduction of cr(vi) in the pigment by self-generated electrons. the kinetics were mainly affected by the electron-hole separation efficiency which can be enhanced by electron donors. the reaction rate decreases with increasing solution ph as the photodissolution process consumes protons. the photodissolution of the chrome yellow pigment was further confirmed in a river water sample under natural sunlight, with 11.28% of lead and 2.56% of chromium released in 7 h. this study highlights the importance of considering photochemical processes in risk assessments and regulations of commercial semiconductor pigments, which are currently based on their solubility.

