




UK Universities’ International Strategy

时间:2018-12-03 来源: 作者: 摄影: 编辑: 上传:

主讲人:David Pilsbury教授 英国考文垂大学副校长

时间:2018年12月6日(星期四) 下午13:30


主讲人介绍:David Pilsbury教授是英国考文垂大学副校长,主管国际事务。自担任该职务以来,David Pilsbury教授大力推进考文垂大学国际化进程,并荣获多项政府及国际组织奖励,包括“女皇企业奖”、欧洲国际教育协会“国际化创新奖”等。David Pilsbury教授是知名的国际高等教育专家,曾担任世界大学联盟创始首席执行官、英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会政策研究中心主任、剑桥大学医院研发部助理主任等职,他同时也是香港职业训练局理事、中英贸易协会董事会成员,为促进中英两国在教育经贸领域的合作做出了突出贡献。

主要内容:Although there is a great deal of talking about international and internationalisation amongst UK universities, very few have a structured approach to driving global engagement. For many it is simply about recruitment of international, increasingly Chinese, students. Intellectual frameworks to define what makes a Global university exist and some Universities are embracing them seriously to drive a truly international approach in everything that they do. Coventry is one example of where a university has established a clear international strategy that drives global dimensions to all activities – research, teaching, engagement with industry and the hiring of staff. This lecture shows how a metrics based approach supported by deep engagement with staff and through close working with national and international initiatives has enabled the development of an exemplary form of global engagement that is being copied by other UK universities and how UK universities are using national and international schemes to develop international engagement.

