




Molecular Understanding and Design of Zwitterionic Anti-biofouling Materials

时间:2019-05-29 来源: 作者: 摄影: 编辑: 上传:

主讲人:Qing Shao 教授




Dr. Qing Shao was an undergraduate student in chemical engineering at the Nanjing University of Technology. He finished his first Ph.D. thesis with Prof. Xiaohu Lu at the same university. After that, he got his second Ph.D. degree at the University of Washington under the supervision of Prof. Shaoyi Jiang and then did postdoctoral research with Dr. Carol Hall at North Carolina State University. The research theme of the Shao group is to harvest fundamental knowledge of basic chemicophysical properties for soft materials and develop materials and processes using the harvested knowledge. His research interests include the assembly of polymers and peptides, nano-bio interfaces, and solvation of materials. He has published 40+ papers and these papers have been cited 1500+ times according to Google Scholar.


Design of materials with desired functions is critical for our efforts to address energy, healthcare, and environmental challenges. A deep fundamental understanding of interfacial phenomena, assembly, and association is important for developing effective strategies to design novel materials with desired properties. Molecular simulations play a vital role in this endeavor. This talk will present an example that show the ability of molecular simulations to understand and design zwitterionic anti-biofouling materials. The ability to resist biofouling is critical for materials and devices to maintain their function in complex biological environments. Polyethylene glycol has long been considered the “gold standard” for this purpose. Zwitterionic materials that possess both cationic and anionic groups have recently emerged as a viable way to resist biofouling. We investigated their hydration, protein interaction and self-association using molecular simulations and experiments. Our research revealed the anti-biofouling mechanism of zwitterionic materials. We also computationally designed new zwitterionic anti-biofouling materials; one of our designs was realized in experiment.

